Sunday, August 9, 2009

did i get a wake up call, or what?!

So, yesterday I blogged about how my cell phone died & I felt completely lost without it. Today, I went to church & God hand delivered the message through our guest speaker directly to me! Today's sermon was about "American Idols". Not the show, but idols in our life that sometimes aren't quite apparent. The chaplain from Roberts Wesleyan College gave the sermon & he listed 6 hidden idols (feelings, technology, entertainment, sports, success & self). For obvious reasons, the tech one stood out. He related that we rely on tech for so many aspects of our lives, and we expect that it will just make everything instantly better. That's not true though, and as Christians, the only thing we need to trust in & rely on is Christ. Psalm 20:7 gives a good illustration that "technology" has been an idol throughout the ages, and not just today. The verse is as follows from the NIV version of the Bible; "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God". Even in Roman days, they trusted that if they had the right chariots/horses, then they would win the wars, but truly winning means to claim your crown n judgment day and that's not based on what you own. Next time you fire up your cell, computer, etc., make sure that you're not putting it in front of your God. Worship Him, not things and He will reward you.

By the way, I bought a new cell phone after church today. I loaded my contacts, but haven't touched it since. It's a Blackberry Curve, in case you wondered. And it's not surgically attached.

1 comment:

  1. Slam dunk Michele! I'm glad I don't have a cell phone for the time being. I even often let the answering machine get my calls because I am usually in the middle of getting something done. If it's important enough, they will leave a message, if not, somebody was on the verge of wasting my time anyway.
