Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I have been extremely busy these last couple months, as well as most of you I'm sure. I've slowly been getting into the holiday spirit, even though the idea of decorating my home when I have little ones who like to play with everything they see has been daunting. We have our tree up, but there are only kid friendly ornaments on it, and the candy canes are clustered at the top. Also, my kids think the stockings are fun to wear on their feet ~ I can't help but giggle when they slip around the house in them.

Most of my gifts for family are homemade, or bought with frugality. We've limited our budget, & it's interesting what you can come up with if try. I found a target coupon for $5 off a Kodak camera and was able to print 4 of them. I then bought 4 disposable cameras with them & paid less then $5 for them. My in-laws love these, so they're going in their gift baskets! One of my relatives is getting a blockbuster gift card that I "bought" with points I earned using my american express card. And for my daughter, I'm making some blankets & pillows for her dolls. I really like some of the frugal living blogs out there. My 2 faves are &
They have helped me save some cash on groceries & gifts. You should check them out.

I hope you all have a blessed Christmas!