Today is Ian's 5th birthday! I cannot believe how the time has flown! God made me move out of my comfort zone when He blessed us with a boy ~ what was I going to do with a boy?!? I've learned to look at bugs, dig in the dirt & spend time with the cows at the farm; not to mention that I can name most of the different kinds of tractors! It has been a joy to watch him grow & learn. I can't believe he'll be starting kindergarten this fall! Anyway! Here are some pics to look at:
May 4, 2005
May 2006

May 2007

May 2008
(for the record, he asked for pink frosting!)

May 2009

May 2010

Haa...I love that he asked for pink frosting!! Lincoln sometimes asks for things in "girlie" colors, and I'm like what??!!