Here I am, 5 years later and in my 4th year of gardening and 2nd year of canning.....
Funny how life changes you, isn't it?
I started my garden out of boredom. Just something to do while Ian played in the backyard. I hated digging in the dirt, so I started with some planters of veggies. The next year I had way too many planters, so we decided to put in a raised bed plot. Keith put together some landscape timbers and brought a bucket load of dirt home from the farm. (Nice, fresh pasture dirt.) I still kept some planters, but the majority of the plants were in an 8x8 plot. Not too shabby, I'd say.
Last year I expanded out of a love of gardening and also necessity. I had Keith buy more timbers, and he built an 8x16 plot. I went crazy. I actually ran out of room! So, I had the 2 plots and planters & then had to plant alongside the garage. (I helped with & gardened in my parent's garden as well.) I was in veggie heaven! I had one plant in particular that was interesting: my summer squash. It produced this:

A lovely siamese squash! I can't wait to see what we get this year. God is good to have blessed us with such an abudance. We canned/froze most of what we grew, but had enough to be able to bless others as well. As long as the animals stay away we'll be able to bless others again; but that's a story for another day. I will have pictures of this years garden along my summer journies. Until then........
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